Zone 3, sun, excellent for cut or dried flowers, aromatic, attracts butterflies. Deer resistant. Prefers well-drained soil. Drought tolerant.
- Butterfly
- Hummingbird
- Fragrant
- RockGarden
- DriedFlowers
- CutFlower
- Decorative
- Medicinal
- GroundCover
- Vine
- Culinary
ACONITUM (Monkshood)
Zone 4, part shade. Lovely helmet shaped flowers on dense racemes. Prefers cool moist soil, good cut flower. The roots, leaves and seeds are poisonous.
Agastache (Hyssop)
Various zones. Deer resistant, attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, drought tolerant. July to September, use for beds, borders, and cuttings.
AJUGA (Bugleweed)
Zone 3, sun or shade, blue flowers on 6″ spikes, May-June, excellent ground cover. Prefers well-drained soil.
ALCEA (Hollyhock)
Zone 3, sun.
ALCHEMILLA (Lady’s Mantle)
Various zones, sun or shade. Deer resistant. Prefers well-drained moist soil.
Zone 3, sun or part shade, prefers well-drained soil.
AMSONIA (Blue Star)
Zone 3, sun to part shade.
Zone 4, sun or part shade. Use for naturalizing, border gardens and low maintenance areas, deer resistant. Prefers rich, sandy, loamy soil.
AQUILEGIA (Columbine)
Zone 3, sun or part shade, May-June. Use in borders, beds and cutting. Deer resistant. Prefers well-drained soil.
ARABIS (Rock Cress)
Zone 3, sun, April-June. Low-growing rock garden or edging plant. Prefers well-drained soil, prune after flowering to maintain compact habit.
Zone 3, part shade.
ARMERIA (Thrift, Sea Pink)
Zone 3, sun, low evergreen tufts of grass-like foliage. Globe shaped flowers in shades of red, pink and white, May-June. Use for borders, edging and cutting. Plant in well-drained soil.
Zone 4, sun or part shade. Deer resistant. Prefers well-drained soil.
ARUNCUS (Goat’s Beard)
Zone 4, sun or part shade. Deer resistant. Prefers moist, rich soil. Does well along streams or ponds.
ASCLEPIAS (Butterfly Flower)
Zone 4, sun. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies, breaks dormancy late.
Zone 4, sun
Zone 3, sun
ASTILBE (Arendsii)
Zone 4, part shade to shade. Deer resistant. Plumes are mostly erect, but some types are arching. Foliage can vary from shiny light green to a dark red-bronze. Use for borders, cut and dried arrangements. Prefers rich, moist soil.
ASTILBE (Chinensis)
Zone 4, part shade to shade. Deer resistant.